Trivial Pursuit Board Game: A Fun Challenge

Trivial Pursuit is a classic board game that offers an exciting and challenging experience for players of all ages. It is a game of knowledge and strategy, where players compete to answer questions from various categories and collect wedges to complete their “pie.” Let’s dive into the rules and gameplay of this popular game, specifically tailored for 16-year-olds.

Objective of the Game

The objective of Trivial Pursuit is to be the first player to collect all six wedges, one from each category, and ultimately complete your pie. The categories include Geography, Entertainment, History, Arts & Literature, Science & Nature, and Sports & Leisure. Each category represents a different area of knowledge, allowing players to showcase their expertise in various subjects.

Setting Up the Game

Before starting the game, make sure you have the Trivial Pursuit game board, question cards, category reference cards, playing pieces, and a die. Each player chooses a playing piece and places it on the center “Start” space. Shuffle the question cards and place them face-down within reach of all players. The youngest player goes first.


On your turn, roll the die and move your playing piece clockwise around the board. The color of the space you land on determines the category of the question you will be asked. The player to your left reads the question corresponding to the category and difficulty level indicated on the space.

Answering Questions

Read the question aloud and take your time to think. If you answer correctly, you earn a wedge of the corresponding category. Place the wedge in your playing piece. If you answer incorrectly, play passes to the next player. Remember, you must answer a question correctly on a wedge space to collect that specific wedge.

Rolling Again

If you answer a question correctly, you get to roll the die again and continue your turn. This allows you to potentially collect multiple wedges in a single turn, bringing you closer to completing your pie.

Stealing Wedges

If you land on a space occupied by another player, you have the opportunity to challenge them for one of their wedges. The challenging player selects a category and asks the opponent a question from that category. If the opponent answers correctly, they keep their wedge. If they answer incorrectly, the challenging player steals the wedge and adds it to their own collection.

Winning the Game

The first player to collect all six wedges, one from each category, and return to the center “Hub” space is declared the winner of Trivial Pursuit. Congratulations! You have successfully showcased your knowledge and strategic skills.

Benefits of Playing Trivial Pursuit

Playing Trivial Pursuit offers several benefits beyond just having fun. It helps improve general knowledge, critical thinking skills, memory retention, and social interaction. By engaging in friendly competition, you can challenge yourself and others while expanding your knowledge base.


Trivial Pursuit is an excellent board game for 16-year-olds who enjoy testing their knowledge and competing with friends and family. By following the rules and strategies outlined above, you can embark on a journey of learning and entertainment. So gather your friends, set up the game, and let the pursuit of knowledge begin!


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