black and white dice on white and black textile

The Thrill of Publish: Taking Your Board Game Design from Prototype to Print

Board games have been a beloved pastime for generations, bringing friends and family together for hours of fun and friendly competition. While many enthusiasts enjoy playing games, there is a whole world of creativity and strategy behind the scenes – board game design. If you have a passion for crafting unique gaming experiences, then the concept of “publish or print” is likely on your mind.

When it comes to board game design, the decision to publish or print your creation is a crucial one. It’s the moment where your game transitions from a prototype to a marketable product, ready to be enjoyed by players around the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and considerations of taking your board game design to the next level through the process of publishing.

Why Publish?

By publishing your board game, you have the opportunity to share your creation with a much larger audience than you could ever reach on your own. Established game publishers have the resources and connections to distribute your game to retailers, online marketplaces, and even international markets.

Furthermore, game publishers have experience in the industry and can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the publishing process. From refining your game mechanics to designing eye-catching artwork, their professional expertise can elevate your board game design to new heights.

Publishing your board game means having a team dedicated to marketing and promoting your creation. They have the know-how to create buzz around your game, generate media coverage, and reach potential customers through various channels. This can significantly increase the visibility and success of your game.

Considerations for Publishing

While the idea of publishing your board game may be exciting, it’s important to consider a few key factors before diving in:

Is your board game design fully developed and playtested? It’s crucial to ensure that your game is well-balanced, engaging, and enjoyable before seeking out a publisher. Take the time to refine and iterate on your design to maximize its potential.

Not all publishers are created equal, and finding the right fit for your game is essential. Research different publishers and their portfolios to see if your game aligns with their target audience and style. Look for publishers who have experience with similar games and a track record of successful releases.

Before entering into any publishing agreement, it’s important to protect your intellectual property rights. Consider consulting with a lawyer or intellectual property expert to ensure that your game design, artwork, and any unique elements are properly safeguarded.

Self-Publishing as an Alternative

While traditional publishing has its advantages, self-publishing is also a viable option for board game designers. With advancements in technology and crowdfunding platforms, self-publishing has become more accessible than ever before.

Self-publishing allows you to maintain full creative control over your game and retain a larger portion of the profits. However, it also requires a significant investment of time, effort, and financial resources to handle production, distribution, and marketing on your own.

Before deciding on self-publishing, carefully weigh the pros and cons and consider your personal goals and resources. It may be worth exploring both traditional publishing and self-publishing options to determine the best path for your board game design.


Whether you choose to pursue traditional publishing or venture into the world of self-publishing, taking your board game design from prototype to print is an exciting journey. Publishing offers the opportunity to share your game with a wider audience, benefit from professional expertise, and leverage marketing and promotion efforts. However, it’s important to carefully consider the development of your game, research potential publishers, and protect your intellectual property rights.

Remember, the decision to publish or print is ultimately yours to make. Whichever path you choose, embrace the adventure and continue to create unique and memorable board game experiences for players to enjoy.


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