Researching Existing Games: A Crucial Phase in Board Game Design

When it comes to board game design, one crucial phase that often gets overlooked is researching existing games. This phase is essential for any game designer looking to create a successful and innovative board game. By studying and analyzing existing games, designers can gain valuable insights, learn from the successes and failures of others, and ultimately create a game that stands out in the market.

Why Research Existing Games?

Researching existing games provides game designers with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. By immersing themselves in the world of board games, designers can understand the mechanics, themes, and strategies that have proven to be successful. This research phase allows designers to identify gaps in the market, explore new ideas, and avoid reinventing the wheel.

Additionally, studying existing games helps designers understand player preferences and expectations. By analyzing player feedback and reviews, designers can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t in a board game. This information is invaluable when it comes to creating a game that will resonate with players and provide an enjoyable experience.

Analyzing Existing Games

When researching existing games, it’s important to approach the process with a critical and analytical mindset. Here are a few key aspects to consider:

Mechanics and Gameplay:

Take a close look at the mechanics and gameplay of existing games. What makes them engaging and enjoyable? Are there any unique or innovative mechanics that stand out? Understanding the mechanics behind successful games can help designers incorporate similar elements into their own creations while adding their unique twist.

For example, if you’re designing a strategy game, analyze popular strategy games like “Settlers of Catan” or “Ticket to Ride” to understand how they balance luck and skill, create meaningful decisions, and keep players engaged throughout the game.

Themes and Artwork:

Consider the themes and artwork used in existing games. How do they enhance the overall experience? Are there any themes that haven’t been explored extensively? By studying the themes and artwork of successful games, designers can find inspiration for creating visually appealing and immersive games.

For instance, if you’re designing a game with a fantasy theme, analyze games like “Dungeons & Dragons” or “Gloomhaven” to understand how they create a captivating world and engage players in a rich narrative.

Player Feedback:

Pay attention to player feedback and reviews of existing games. What do players like and dislike about these games? Look for common themes and patterns in the feedback. This will help you understand the aspects that resonate with players and the areas that can be improved upon.

For example, if you notice that players often complain about the game’s rulebook being confusing or poorly organized, you can ensure that your own game has a clear and comprehensive rulebook that is easy for players to understand.

Examples of Successful Research-Inspired Games

Many successful board games have been inspired by extensive research of existing games. Here are a few examples:


“Pandemic” is a cooperative board game where players work together to prevent the spread of diseases around the world. It was inspired by the mechanics of “Settlers of Catan” and “Ticket to Ride,” combining elements of strategy, cooperation, and resource management. By studying these games, the designers of “Pandemic” were able to create a unique and highly successful game that has become a staple in the board game industry.

Terraforming Mars:

“Terraforming Mars” is a strategy game where players take on the role of corporations working to make the Red Planet habitable. It was inspired by the mechanics of “Race for the Galaxy” and “Dominion,” incorporating elements of card drafting, resource management, and engine building. By analyzing these games, the designers of “Terraforming Mars” were able to create a complex and immersive game that has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base.


Researching existing games is a crucial phase in board game design. By studying and analyzing successful games, designers can gain valuable insights, learn from the successes and failures of others, and create innovative and engaging games. Whether it’s understanding mechanics, exploring themes, or incorporating player feedback, research is the foundation for creating a game that stands out in the market. So, embrace this phase, dive into the world of board games, and let your creativity soar!


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