Clue Board Game: A Fun Mystery-solving Adventure

Introduction to Clue Board Game

If you’re a fan of mysteries and enjoy putting your detective skills to the test, then the Clue board game is perfect for you! Clue, also known as Cluedo in some countries, is a classic murder mystery game that has been entertaining players for decades. In this game, players become detectives, working to solve a mysterious murder by gathering clues and deducing the culprit, the weapon, and the location of the crime.

How to Play Clue

Clue is a game designed for 3 to 6 players and is suitable for ages 8 and up. Here’s a step-by-step guide to playing Clue:

Step 1: Set Up the Game

Each player chooses a character token and places it on the starting point in the mansion. The game board represents the mansion, which is divided into different rooms. The weapons and suspect cards are shuffled, and one card of each category is placed in the envelope without revealing them. The remaining cards are distributed among the players.

Step 2: Collect Clues

The goal of the game is to determine the three main aspects of the crime: the suspect, the weapon, and the location. Players take turns moving their character tokens around the mansion, entering rooms, and collecting clues. Clues are obtained by making suggestions to other players about the suspect, weapon, and room they believe might be involved in the crime.

Step 3: Make Suggestions and Deductions

When a player enters a room, they can make a suggestion by naming a suspect, a weapon, and the room they are in. The player to their left must then show them one card from their hand, if they have any of the suggested cards. This helps narrow down the possibilities and eliminates certain combinations from the list of potential solutions.

Step 4: Make Accusations

Once a player feels confident in their deductions, they can make an accusation. On their turn, they can secretly name the suspect, weapon, and room they believe to be the solution. If they are correct, they win the game! However, if they are wrong, they are out of the game and can no longer make suggestions or accusations.

Step 5: Solve the Mystery

The game continues with the remaining players until someone correctly solves the mystery or until all players have made incorrect accusations. The player who correctly solves the mystery is declared the winner.

Tips and Strategies

Here are a few tips to help you improve your chances of solving the mystery in Clue:

Pay Attention to Clues

Take note of the clues you receive from other players. If someone shows you a card, it means they don’t have that card, and it could be a clue for you to eliminate certain possibilities.

Elimination Process

Use the process of elimination to narrow down the possibilities. Keep track of the cards that have been shown to you and those that have been suggested by other players.

Move Strategically

Plan your moves strategically to maximize your chances of entering different rooms and making suggestions. This will help you gather more information and eliminate more possibilities.

Stay Alert

Pay attention to the suggestions made by other players and the rooms they enter. This can give you valuable clues about the cards they hold and the possibilities they are considering.


Clue is an exciting and engaging board game that challenges your deductive reasoning and detective skills. As a 16-year-old, you’ll enjoy the thrill of solving a mystery while competing against your friends or family. So gather your fellow detectives, set up the game, and get ready to unravel the secrets of the Clue board game!


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