Bagammon: A Fun and Strategic Board Game

Bagammon is an exciting and strategic board game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. It is a two-player game that requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. In this blog post, we will explain the rules of Bagammon in a way that is easy for a 16-year-old to understand.

The Objective of the Game

The objective of Bagammon is to be the first player to move all of their pieces off the board. Each player has 15 pieces, which are placed on a board divided into 24 triangles or points. The board is divided into two halves, with each player’s home board and outer board.

Setting Up the Game

Before starting the game, both players need to set up their pieces on the board. Each player has their own color, either black or white. The pieces are placed as follows:

  • Two pieces on the 24th point
  • Five pieces on the 13th point
  • Three pieces on the 8th point
  • Five pieces on the 6th point

Playing the Game

The game begins with each player rolling a single die. The player with the higher roll goes first. On each turn, players roll two dice and move their pieces according to the numbers rolled.

Players can move their pieces forward, towards their home board, by the number of points shown on the dice. For example, if a player rolls a 3 and a 5, they can move one piece three points and another piece five points.

Players can only move their pieces to open points or points with their own pieces. If a player lands on a point with only one opponent’s piece, it is called a “blot.” The opponent can then move their piece to the “bar,” a separate area of the board, and the player who has the blot must wait until the opponent moves their piece back onto the board before they can continue their turn.

If a player has more than one piece on a point, they can create a “blockade,” making it difficult for the opponent to pass. The opponent cannot move their piece past the blockade until it is broken.

Bearing Off and Winning the Game

Once a player has moved all of their pieces to their home board, they can start “bearing off.” Bearing off means removing the pieces from the board, starting with the highest-numbered point. The number rolled on the dice must match an open point on the player’s home board to bear off a piece.

The first player to bear off all of their pieces wins the game!


Bagammon is a fantastic game that combines strategy, skill, and a bit of luck. It’s a great way to challenge your mind and have fun with friends or family. Now that you know the rules, grab a friend and start playing Bagammon today!


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